Saturday, June 4, 2011

History of Lapacho

LaPacho Herbal Tea is from the innermost bark of the lapacho tree (scientific name: Tabebuia Impetiginosa) which can be abundantly found in Mt. Andes and in the forests of Amazon in Brazil. The said places are famous for having the purest and freshest air in the world. The LaPacho Tree belongs to the Bignoniaceae Family, a group of plants that are known for their medicinal values.

For centuries, the Incas and the other elderly Indians in Brazil have been using this tea to cure various diseases with very promising effects thus the tree was named "Divine Tree"

Most of the initial research and studies were conducted in Brazil only and were spearheaded by Dr. Orlando dei Santi, Professor Goncalvez de Lima, and Dr. Radames Accorso. However, in 1977 Dr. Theodore Meyer of Argentina announced the miraculous effects of LaPacho and since then LaPacho had been so famous.


  1. I was totally unknown from the history of lapacho and getting great knowledge from this informative post. Nice informative post.
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  2. thx for the comment, I actually sell lapacho teas because we have personal experience on wondrous effects of this herbal tea. Likewise, people who I met and tried the product keep on patronizing lapacho due to dramatic effects on their health specially those who are diabetic
