I work in a call center here in the Philippines, many times I have to work on night shifts (11:30PM-8:30AM). Yerba mate keeps me awake the whole night. I fel like I have complete control on my wakefulness. However, the opportunity to rest is just around the corner if I want to without any sleeping troubles. So what exactly yerba mate is?
Yerba mate tea is a beverage that comes from a tree called ilex paraguariensis. The leaves of this tree are harvested, dried and then brewed to form the tea. It was first developed by Guarani Indians lived in South America. Traditionally, close friends and family members would share the same cup of yerba mate, often drinking from the same straw, which was a sign of trust, friendship and acceptance. Yerba mate has since caught on in many cultures for its many purported benefits.
- Free radicals are particles in the body that clump together and cause various problems to develop. These are caused from unhealthful habits, stress, pollutants in the air and chemicals that are ingested from drugs and foods. Yerba mate is believed to have a detoxifying effect when it is consumed, causing toxins to be flushed. This in turn causes the immune system to work more efficiently. It is also a powerful antioxidant. According to a study done at the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana, yerba mate promotes cell survival better than green tea and red wine.
- When it comes to energy levels, people often resort to coffee or caffeine products to get a lift. But some of those people end up suffering side effects such as jitters and nervousness. Yerba mate has a lower amount of caffeine and they also have a substance called theobromine. This is weaker than caffeine but it still stimulates the central nervous system and gives you increased energy, less anxiety and improved mental clarity. According to U.S. author and physician Andrew Weil, Florida International University researchers are trying to determine why yerba mate doesn't bother people as much as other caffeinated beverages.
Weight Loss
- To lose weight, you need to burn calories, eat less and exercise more. There are a lot of supplements and formulas on the market that people use to kick-start their fat burning goals. Yerba mate appears to offer a few benefits in this area. It increases your metabolism, it helps suppress the appetite and also helps to flush water from the system.
Intestinal Problems
- The digestive tract has a tendency to get backed up with fecal matter and constipation can develop. This is usually because of following a diet that is low in fiber and high in saturated fats. Yerba mate does two things that are beneficial to the digestive system: It helps to soften backed up fecal matter and it also helps stimulate the intestines to work properly again.
- The heart is one of the strongest muscles in the body. It needs an adequate oxygen supply to work optimally. Athletes, such as body builders and runners, rely on carbohydrates for energy and a good supply of oxygen to their muscles for long workouts. Yerba mate appears to help the body break down carbohydrates for energy during exercise in a process called aerobic glycolysis, and it also increases the amount of oxygen going to the heart. This reduces lactic acid buildup in the body, which may improve cardiac efficiency.